Necrotic Mutation

Chapter 2

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Band Picture

Band Picture: Simon Roy, Chuck Tremblay, David Landry, Daniel Jalbert.

First Stage Of The Mutation

Now that the virus had a name and the common symptoms were known to the public, it was time to recruit a new member for the research team. David Landry was doing promising work with metal mutagens and retro-acoustic viruses. His reputation and his talent quickly got him a place with the team.

In February of 1992, after only a few months of work together, they were able to release their first research on the Necrotic Mutation.

Their 4 songs demo was their first attempt to eradicate the virus with music, but like their previous work, it only contributed to accelerate the spread of the virus. Not only was the virus spreading faster and wider, but it was also adapting and becoming more resilient.

In December of 1992, they decided to try a new approach to contain the virus. If the virus was adapting to whatever treatments they were trying, then they would have to change directions.

David Landry's work on mutagens was the most advanced in the field and his proposition was deemed radical at the time: to force the mutation of the DNA's host with intense exposure to death metal music.

On May of 1993, they released their second research Sepulchre Of The Suffering and instantly gained international recognition for their work. They were praised in many magazines and gave many interviews all around the world. Unfortunately, not everyone's DNA was able to adapt to the intense and unique treatment of death metal music.

Daniel Jalbert

Daniel Jalbert

Guitars - Vocals

David Landry

David Landry


Chuck Tremblay

Chuck Tremblay


Simon Roy

Simon Roy


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